Non-Diet Dietitian, Intuitive Eating, HAES®
Photo by Brett Rawlings www.focusphotography.com.au and @brett_focusphotography on Instagram
Welcome to Love What You Eat
Melbourne Dietitian
Size Inclusive Heath (formally HAES®) Dietitians & Nutritionists who love food – servicing Melbourne, Victoria & Australia Wide!
Our mission is to help you stop dieting, help you rediscover the pleasure in eating and to nurture a healthy relationship with food and your body.
We believe in a weight-inclusive approach to health. Being weight inclusive means we don’t make assumptions about a person based on their size and we don’t hold the view that weight loss is necessary for health or self care. We believe all bodies are deserving of care and respect and this includes being able to eat without having to restrict food you love or engage in exercise you don’t enjoy. This is all part of Size Inclusive Health Australia (previously HAES), you can read more about this here.
A healthy relationship with food needs to be at the foundation of any changes you make with your eating in relation to your health. This includes anything from weight changes that may occur due to a medical condition or menopause, diabetes management, cholesterol and also any gut issues you may be experiencing, including food intolerance.
A healthy relationship with food means you can start to let go of any guilt, shame, distress or preoccupation around food with regard to your health or body size and shape. Instead you can learn to take pleasure in food and eating in a way that feels right for you and thoughts about food take up relatively little mental space. Unsure about yours? Take our free quiz
Why? When your relationship with food is difficult, dietary changes can backfire. You can quickly become preoccupied or rigid with the changes and when you’re unable to stick to them (no one can 100%), your feelings of guilt or shame can escalate and you may end up experiencing the “what the hell effect” and over-eating the very food you intended to eat less of.
Do you struggle with…
- Feeling you need to lose weight but finding it an impossible task?
- Feeling unhappy with your body or your eating?
- Thoughts about food and weight taking up too much mental space?
- Feelings of guilt and anxiety around food?
- Finding a way of eating that you can stick to long-term?
- Do you ever find yourself saying “I’ve blown it now, may as well write off the rest of the day and I’ll be good tomorrow”?
- Do you feel you can’t keep certain food in the house as you’ll eat it all?
- Are you someone who says “I can’t stop at just one, once I open the packet it’s all over”?
- Do you find yourself overeating the very food you’re trying hard to avoid or eat less of?

If you said yes, you’re not alone, these are some of the most common issues we help people with.
Would you be surprised if we told you the issue is not you, or the food, or that it has nothing to do with willpower or discipline? The issue lies in the food restriction, the weight loss focus and our diet mentality, and if you are unable to keep weight off through dieting, it is because you are a successful human.
“I just want to feel normal around food”
This is something we commonly hear from our clients when they first come to see us. Our aim is to help you achieve this. Heal your relationship with food and reconnect with the pleasure of eating. Heal your relationship with your body and reconnect with life!
Discover a pleasurable way to eat and live with – the Non-Diet Approach & Intuitive Eating
Learn MoreAs Health At Every Size dietitians, we help people work towards their health goals, but without the expectat...
Learn MoreOur dietitians can help you to identify and manage your food intolerances
Learn MoreFood glorious food! Interesting food facts and the latest hot nutrition/food topics.
Learn MoreRead the latest blog articles about eating well without weight loss dieting or restricting food you love!
Read MoreHealthy eating does not need to be complicated. It’s all about establishing a healthy relationship with food.
At love what you eat, accredited practising dietitians Zoe Nicholson and Kerrie Hill will help you get off the dieting merry-go-round using the Intuitive Eating framework. We will help you reconnect with your appetite in order to nourish your body well and rediscover the pleasure of eating. Through this process you’ll be able let go of any food anxiety or guilt, feel better in your body and discover what it means to be truly healthy. No cutting our your favourite foods, no going without and no dieting. At love what you eat, we use the Non-Diet Approach and Intuitive Eating to help you take care of the health of your body and live a more fulfilling life.
Check out one of out most popular blogs “How on earth did eating well, get so complicated?”
- A positive attitude to food is more important than always striving to make the “right” food choice
- Reconnect with your internal signals of hunger, fullness and satisfaction
- Establish and nurture a healthy relationship with food, eating and your body
- Reconnect with food, practise eating with mindfulness and you can enjoy all food
- Choose from a variety of foods and no one food type need be restricted
- You don’t need to focus on weight loss to take care of your health and your body

Read our blog on why bread in not bad for you