Having a 6 pack does NOT make you an authority on nutrition.

In fact, posing half naked and showing off your toned body is more likely to damage someones health than help that person achieve their goals.
I was compelled to write this after seeing a Facebook sponsored ad where a very lean young lady, with a 6 pack, was taking a ‘selfie’ in her bikinis. The ad was selling weight loss books and videos and claimed to help YOU achieve your New Years Resolution weight loss goals. This lady has no formal training in nutrition or psychology, yet the ad had over 900 likes (now probably many more).
I have no doubt that if I posted pictures of bikini clad figures sporting “ripped” bodies, that my posts would start receiving significantly more likes and shares. You just need to look at any social media identity that posts such pictures to see this.
The purpose of this post is not to say this style of social media is wrong, but rather to ask people to question what they stand for and why they have such a big following.
It’s human nature to want what you can’t have. Given the ability to have the body type flaunted on social media is largely based on genetics, not diet and exercise, the simple fact is, most people will never be able to achieve such a body. After all, if everyone could have such a body, would it be so desirable?
Completely aside from aesthetics, a sculpted body does not automatically mean you are healthy. In fact, the world of body sculpting is rife with disordered eating, eating disorders and a very unhealthy relationship with food.
If you don’t have the genes for achieving a “ripped” body, following a weight loss regime or exercise program designed to get you “bikini ready”, as one other ad I have seen promises, is more likely to leave you emotionally damaged than fit and healthy. You may well lose weight on the regime and even achieve defined abs, but you are more likely to end up in a cycle of weight loss and weight gain than achieve long-term physical health. Almost anyone who has ever followed a strict diet regime knows what I mean.
If you are serious about being the fittest, healthiest version of YOU, the first step is to establish a healthy relationship with food, exercise and your body. When you learn to eat what you love, eat mostly food your body needs and find enjoyment in physical activity, you will truly be on the road to good physical health. You may also find you start to love the body you have and no longer need to marvel at “supermodel” like images.
Stop the fads and the diets and be kind to yourself in 2015.